Helping you find effective solutions
In addition to our recognised executive coaching practices, we can also adopt a more ‘hybrid’ coaching / training / facilitation approach incorporating our methodologies as outlined below. When combined appropriately, these proven and practical methods will help you in reaching your desired outcomes and goals successfully and quickly.
Full Leadership 'Tune Up'
Cover a coaching program based on any of the following topics, as warranted by our assessment and desired by you; engage and mobilise employees, resolve conflict, develop leaders succession planning, communicate with impact, influence effectively, set strategic direction, personal branding, develop stronger relationships throughout the organisation, create a high performance culture, juggle multiple priorities/manage time more effectively, and shift limiting perceptions that might be holding you back. We can cover other topics depending on the challenges you face.
Leaders 'Focus-Board'
Many leaders share the same frustrations - it is stressful to keep having to do more and more, with fewer and fewer resources; the pace of change and technology is so rapid that it feels impossible to keep up and it is extremely difficult to focus on a few priorities in a world with infinite possibilities. This feeling can infect an entire organisation, with everyone feeling unfocused, moving in too many directions, and not quite in sync with others. We have a very simple tool that can help get you and your team grounded, and focused on what really matters. On a single page, it captures eight key areas that every leader needs to consider. We help you focus on what matters, so that you spend your time doing the things that have the most impact, make sure that everyone in the organisation is aligned and accountable and develop leaders who continue to move the organisation forward.
“Without continual growth and progress, such words such as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”
Execute and move things forward more effectively
We know that the value of consistent, effective execution can be significant. Execution involves a number of factors, and our in-depth approach and methodology isolates the factors that can help you improve performance. As a result of working with us, you will gain new awareness about your strengths and potential areas for professional development helping you go from ideas to results more effectively and efficiently. Our aim is that you will 'shift' the way you influence other people, budget resources, set priorities, communicate, hold your team accountable, and set the tone in your areas of responsibilities. That way, results on the most important and strategic metrics for your organisation start to improve. More on execution and individual perceptions…
Develop high performance teams
Building effective teams is hard. Many employees - even at senior levels - lack the ability to build and participate in teams effectively, interpersonal dynamics create lots of friction and hassles that are time consuming and challenging to overcome and it is rare for team members to know how to set expectations and create engagement in ways that get great results while strengthening relationships. We have a practical methodology that will help develop a high-performance team, make improvements to team efficiency and effectiveness and have open, honest communication that strengthens relationships, improves productivity, and moves the team towards results.
Improve your time efficiency and reduce overwhelm
Many successful executives, managers, business owners and entrepreneurs suggest that one of their biggest concerns is that they feel overwhelmed. The stresses of juggling multiple demands on their time, resolving constant conflicts, and coping with competing priorities all make it extraordinarily difficult to feel in control. We work to bring back control, focus, and peace of mind to your work. As a result, you are more productive, you make better decisions, and your performance as well as your team and organisation improves. We have a methodology that assesses at exactly how you spend your time as a leader within your organisation. From there we work to design your day and week to redesign your time, set boundaries, and put key habits and behaviours in place. At a minimum, performance and results improve for you and your organisation. In many cases, family life, health and vitality and general well being dramatically improve.
Clarify and Simplify Strategic Planning
Strategic planning can be a costly exercise; often outsourced to large teams of consultants to achieve, a lack of common language of what your strategy actually is, and a process that results in too many ideas and priorities, resulting in a plan that 'sits on the shelf' with very few of the initiatives being executed effectively. We can provide a complete strategic and accountable process that gets everyone on the same page. It allows you to answer the most important strategic questions to give your organisation an edge, agree on only the most important priorities for success; and put in place accountability and a structure to make sure that your strategy actually gets implemented by the whole organisation. There is no requirement for a huge team of external consultants. The process works by drawing in on your employees' knowledge and expertise and is efficient. Our method does not require unnecessary conflict, confusion, or stress. It uses straightforward language without jargon, and bakes in accountability and results from start to finish. More on strategic planning…
“To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to change often.”
Improve and Foster Collaboration within your organisation
A major concern in leading complex organisations are the frustrations that come from poor communication and collaboration across teams, business groups and silos. This can lead to difficulties in getting important initiatives completed on time, on budget, and at expected levels of quality. As we are 'outside' the organisation, we are in a position to cut through the root issues that cause these problems. We see the picture with an objective eye, and help you and your people come together to agree on better ways to work together while meeting each others needs. The outcomes of our work include improvements in processes and the leadership skills of your key people, as well as significant, measurable improvements in business results. Depending on your organisations goals, you can expect to see improvements in quality, productivity, innovation, speed to market, and profitability.
Communicate Simply, Powerfully and with impact
Leadership communication is a very broad area to master. We have a proven methodology to help leaders speak in public but we also go way beyond that. Most communication in organisations doesn't happen during the huge speech or conference. It happens in everyday, moment-by-moment communications. These are the times when the leader earns trust and credibility along with the right to lead...or doesn't. We have identified these situations, and work with leaders to improve the confidence and effectiveness in key conversations as well as in the hundreds of messages they send each and every day. The bottom line: We help leaders have powerful impact when they communicate. More on communication…
Help ensure merger success
Mergers might not always achieve their full value. Not due to the financial analysis. Not due to the strategic analysis. Not due to the operational analysis. A top reason why many mergers fail is because of the one thing that people may fail to consider: culture. Merging two organisations can be chaotic and brutal enough even when the cultural fit is natural. When it isn’t, mergers have no chance. We work with you to ensure as smooth a merger process as possible. We focus on the people, the culture, and on the change leadership required to make your merger work. There is nothing ‘fluffy’ about what we do, because everything links back to performance and accountability. Whether you call us in at the exploratory stage or after the merger has been consummated, we can add huge value to your work.
“Successful people become great leaders when they learn to shift the focus from themselves to others.”
Enhance your skills to successfully influence others and your organisation
We specialise in helping leaders, managers and up-and-coming talent to be more influential and have more impact. The most successful leaders influence others to embrace and implement their ideas. Unfortunately, even at the top levels of an organisation, many leaders struggle with how to really influence others. Some leaders are 'one trick ponies', relying on one approach with every situation. Others tend to go to extremes, which might get results but can hurt relationships. Still others avoid conflict, and don't really say what needs to be said. As a result, it is harder to get things done 'up, down and across' the organisation. There is an art and a science to influence, to knowing the right conversations to have with others in order to get results, while still keeping the relationship strong. We bring you an approach that helps you go from goal to result, and position yourself in the most powerful and effective way. Once you have completed our process, you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it becomes to get things done, get everyone on the same page, set high expectations, and reduce the hassles you may face everyday. More on influence coaching…
Manage and lead 'up, down, across and outside' your organisation more effectively
We help companies accelerate change and move faster by focusing on alignment and the way people relate 'up, down and across' the organisation. With the creation of alignment between managers and employees, improvement of teamwork so that everyone is in sync, helping leaders and managers communicate with impact and have their ideas embraced within the organisation and in the market; the results include faster time to market, building a pipeline of leaders to grow your company, and fewer hassles and organisational friction when it comes to getting things done.
The Inner Game of the Leader
It takes huge energy levels to lead effectively, especially in the face of ongoing volatility, organisational friction and setbacks. Some of the beliefs and behaviours that got us to our current positions seem to hold us back from new levels of performance. It doesn't have to be this way. There are proven, scientifically grounded methods that can get you into that zone where you are thinking, communicating, and relating to others at your peak. There is nothing 'fluffy' about our approach. It starts with your attitudes and perceptions. We work with you at what we call the 'inner game of the leader', we assess the way you perceive your leadership challenges - from your most ambitious goals to your strategic initiatives and how you relate to your key people. From there, we work with you over time to 'shift' old perceptions and create new, effective habits that make a huge difference to your performance and your organisation. More on the inner game…
Develop Leaders Succession Planning
Succession Planning is of paramount importance in all size organisations, not just one-time planning for successors for each role but for the requirement of an ongoing process, baked into the culture, one that constantly recruits, develops, and also retains top talent in each and every role. We serve as an 'outside' objective resource to assess your succession potentials within your organisation, and help develop critical leadership skills to help you enable future organisational success.
“The goal of coaching is the goal of good management: to make the most of an organisation’s valuable resources.”
reinforce and enhance your Personal Branding
Personal branding has become an essential area to work on in earning the most positive reputation, standing out as not being forgettable and generic, helping to access the inner circles of top decision makers, and in accessing the most interesting and lucrative opportunities. We work with you to identify your unique strengths and character, and turn that into a brand that sets you apart as more valuable and memorable in your field. The process works regardless of your industry and function. It doesn't take a lot of your time, and yet can have an enormous impact on how you are perceived, how much you earn, and the opportunities that come your way.
Adopt a comprehensive and thorough approach to 'change'
Leading change is fraught with risks and potential land mines. Many organisations get bogged down in change efforts that get nowhere. This causes employees to feel stressed, become cynical, and the best talent to head for the exits. There are proven strategies to build momentum during change, and there are also wrong ways to get change processes moving. We know the difference and can show you the most effective path to results. Take a comprehensive approach to change, so that you don't get blind sided by unanticipated consequences. In any change process, you will hear from many voices in your organisation. Each often sees a piece of the puzzle, and not the whole system. If one dominates the conversation about change, short sighted decisions might be made. We can help you take a more systematic approach to change, so that it lasts, enrols key people throughout the organisation, and leads to ongoing improvements in performance and results. We have a methodology for leading change that is non-intrusive and that helps you accelerate results - without making costly mistakes.
Successfully Engage and mobilise employees
According to Gallup, 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged at work. The costs of this situation are astonishing in terms of lost productivity and the cost of replacing employees. Whilst there is no silver bullet to this predicament, there are simple yet powerful leadership practices that cost nothing to implement, and can produce immediate improvements in performance. We have a methodology which we can bring to your organisation and leadership team that addresses the problems of employee engagement. Our approach does not require invasive organisational strategies or restructurings. Instead, we focus on simple but effective behaviours that have maximum impact on your leaders’ ability to engage. More on engage and mobilise employees…
“If we all did the things we are capable of doing,
we would literally astound ourselves.”
Develop and Improve your Boards effectiveness
Boards are often not as effective as they could be, particularly in the non-profit sectors. There can be difficulties in working together as a team with an overall lack of alignment, poor organisation, with board members not carrying their weight and challenges in agreeing on and implementing strategic priorities. We have a proven methodology that helps Boards develop capacity, agree on roles, and achieve alignment to have more impact and make the mission a reality. We do this in ways that work best for you and your needs - whether through coaching, training, facilitation, consulting or a combination.
“We must see people in terms of their future potential, not their past performance.”
Create a High Performance Culture
Once you get to the root cause preventing optimal performance, everything changes in the way your people and teams communicate, get things done and achieve results. We help organisations get to the root cause of high performance. That means going deep into the habits, routines, and behaviours that permeate how things get done. We help you define the way you want your culture to be in the organisation, and create discipline ‘up, down, and across’ the organisation that assures the highest levels of performance. If you are open to support in creating constantly improving levels of performance and results then we have a methodology to help you succeed. More on high performance culture…
Success in a New Role / Transition
Success in a new role can be hard to achieve, particularly within the first 90-100 days. We help you gain clarity about performance expectations, beyond the formal job description, understand the culture, to avoid political landmines and adapt quickly to how things get done effectively. We help you in building relationships 'up, down and across' the organisation and in getting results at the right pace while strengthening relationships and building trust and credibility. More on success in a new role…
Life Coaching - Take Care of your Personal Realms
An important aspect of a busy and successful work life - which is often overlooked - is taking care of your personal realms. You may have distractions outside work that are having an impact on performance at work, or you want to simply work on work-life balance and you want to 'look at the whole picture'. We have a full and robust program that will deliver clarity about your priorities in life, better quality use of time, greater focus at work, peace of mind and ultimately - fulfilment.
Clear and Comprehensive Thinking
Whether you are improving operations, evaluating strategic plans, or finding better ways to serve customers, organisations that come up with the best ideas and solve complex problems the most effectively, win. We help leaders at all levels of your organisation get better at critical thinking and solving complex problems - whether as a standalone skill or integrated within an initiative to improve performance or develop innovations. We also serve as a sounding board to help leaders work through challenging problems and evaluate decisions from different perspectives. Too many executives and managers suffer from a 'ready, fire, aim' mentality. Don't let your organisation deal with the pain of decisions that come from short-term or superficial thinking.
“People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.”
Business Coaching
As a result of working together, business owners have more time to spend with family and friends, feel less stressed, and get back in touch with the passion they had when they first started the business. We have a methodology that gets you in control of your time, set your business apart from the competition, turn growth into a science, and create a high performance culture that develops leaders who work together to grow your business. At the same time, we know that business owners sometimes feel isolated. They appreciate having an objective sounding board to brainstorm, share concerns, and resolve issues in a confidential, highly effective format.
Succession Planning for a business owner - many owners have their wealth tied up in their businesses, very few will be able to transition their business in a way that gives them the free time and money when it is time to retire. There are many reasons for this problem, but the bottom line is that the business is not set up with the systems and processes needed for a transition. Usually, it is so dependent on the owner that no one will want to buy it - therefore their wealth is trapped. We work with business owners to ensure that your business has the highest possible valuation, and is attractive to potential buyers. We do this by taking a 'from beginning to end' look at your business and by working with you to put in place the systems and processes required to make your business attractive to buyers. Even if you are not looking to sell your business, our process gives you more options to tap into your wealth, and to give you more time.
Grow your Business with 'Service Excellence'
When it comes to increasing revenues, most businesses focus on ‘the front end of the house’. These are areas like getting more leads, converting more leads, up-selling and cross-selling customers so they purchase more items when they buy, and raising prices. These are all effective strategies for increasing revenues - one time. That’s because if you don’t have the ‘back end’ of the house in order, with outstanding customer service and by providing fantastic value, these customers are not going to come back. We help in making significant improvements in the service provided to customers and can help realise serious gains in revenue as a result. Our process gets results quickly, because we work with leadership in a comprehensive way to precisely align your organisation to the customer’s expectations and definition of value. The results include significant increases in revenues as well as in customer loyalty and referrals to your organisation.
Ability to Resolve unproductive Conflicts
Productive conflicts can lead to constructive discussions, new ideas and improvements. However, when conflicts between managers, employees, teams, and even entire business units become dysfunctional, performance suffers. We have a proven approach to resolving unproductive conflicts. With a confidential, safe, nonjudgmental approach we help the various parties to the conflict understand each persons positions and communication styles, think about what each person wants in the situation, and develop ways to communicate more effectively so that both parties get more of what they want while achieving positive business outcomes. That way, professional relationships are mended and people can move forward without looking back. Productivity and morale get back on track, and results improve almost immediately. More on resolving a conflict…
“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”
Transform your 'powerbase' of relationships
One of your most important currencies that sets the successful apart from the mediocre is your ‘powerbase’ of professional relationships. This can determine your informal power and influence inside an organisation, in your industry and in your personal life. We can help you have the right people in your network to assure your success so that powerful people in your organisation contact you with the best opportunities, the right opportunities come to you first before they are posted publicly and that you get priority consideration for promotions. You will also benefit with greater role and career security and find it easier to get things done and make things happen. More on networking…
Career Planning
If you feel unfulfilled or stagnant in your career, you are not alone. Over 85 per cent of people in the workforce are looking for a new job or career. Many managers and executives share the frustration of staying where they are instead of exploring options and moving forward. The fact is that it doesn’t have to be this way. We have methodologies to help you plan out your perfect career – and then grasp the opportunities available to you. Whether you are looking for a better work-life balance, a culture that matches your values and personality, or more lucrative opportunities, we can assist you in finding the quickest path to success. Research shows that when managers and executives work with an objective ‘outside’ adviser, they find new opportunities up to 45 percent more quickly than when they go at it alone. Contact us for a conversation. More on Career Coaching…